Hoping I can look back at the video I have and will have improved!
I am a 24 year old fitness firecracker who lives in Surrey. I live with my lovely boyfriend and our two little cats in our first home we recently bought together. I am so lucky to have the family and friends I have and so I thought I'd write about it. This blog is for myself mainly (and my mum) but obviously great if others want to read!
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Motivated Mondays
Hoping I can look back at the video I have and will have improved!
Sunny Sat and Sun
Sunday, June 24, 2018
I usually sleep early and get a good 8-10 hours sleep, I know, a lot. But I really do love my sleep.
But we got home from the work event around half 2 and I was waking up, hungover, at 8am. Not cool!
But I got up, took some painkillers and got myself ready for work. Atleast it was Friday! I felt so rough though and was really hating the thought of work all day.
I popped to Greggs and got myself a sausage sandwich to help me through, but the man gave me a fat off baguette.. sorry who needs a sausage BAGUETTE at 9am!? Not me! So I went to Ant's work and left half for him.
I then headed into work and mentally prepared myself to say hi to everyone. I had no make up on as I'd left it at work the day before.
So I looked rough! But I walked in smiling and saying good morning to everyone as usual.
I turned on my computer, got my self sorted out and started my day.
Not long after i'd sat down, my director messaged me asking I was feeling.. the answer was like f*cking sh*t!! But I said not.. great haha.
He was the same and then asked me if I'd seen the video he'd posted on the general channel (slack - messaging app everyone at work uses).
The video was of everyone dancing on the stage at the Awards and I was there frigging headbanging to living on a prayer! It was hilarious but I couldn't help die a little inside...cringe!!!
My manager was also messaging me asking how I was feeling. Again, not great! She said the same!
She was working from home today, good preparation right?! She needed her laptop though and so I went downstairs to meet her and give her her things.
I sat in her car for a bit where we both moaned about how we felt but said how good the night before was.
She asked me how I was and who was in the office and then told me to go home and work from there! Omg I swear it will go down in history of one of the best moments ever! I was so relieved to go home.
I quickly printed what I needed and did anything I couldn't do at home. And left as fast as I could incase someone was to try and stop me!
Tuesday Lois came round after work and we ate a banging beef curry that she'd made for us. It was really yummy and she put peppers in it but cut them up really small so I actually ate them.
I'm like a kid!
We chatted and chilled for the night which was nice as always.
Wednesday.. erm.. I honestly don't remember! Oh I went to the gym at lunch as Antony had a work lunch.
I did a legs bums and tums which was really hard cos my legs and butt were absolutely killing from a session earlier in the week.
At the beginning of the class I asked a guy what the instructor had said about getting weights and he wasn't sure... said to get some free weights and a kettle bell.
Then really patronisingly said.. are you okay with a 14kg? (that's the kettlebell I chose)
I said yes thanks.. and wondered if he was okay with his 10kg *insert upside down smile emoji which is also my fave emoji*
Anyway, turns out he was not okay with his throughout the class but I was with mine! Ha!
That night me and Antony had chicken burgers, steak burgers and sweet potato fries which was so so good! Ant tried to make his dinner look arty...
Looks great right!
Thursday was a bit stressful as I had a work event that evening and it was quite unorganised as my manager was off sick and we hadn't really made a plan before hand..
So I did have quite a stressed/anxious morning worrying about it. I think my main issue is I don't want people to think I'm really rubbish!
Anyway.. who cares because it was all fine. We walked to the train station (in heels, a little painful!), got the train, got a cab and bam.. we arrived.
It was such a bloody good night. The event was Comms Business Awards 2018 and we won the Software channel product of the year! It was awesome when we won, the whole table went crazy, cheering. It was so loud, probably the loudest there.
Everyone at the table ran up to the stage to collect the award and get a picture taken. I didn't as I stayed back with the new girl that's not started yet and didn't want to go up. Which is fair enough!
So then we had lots to drink and lots and lots of dancing! It was so much fun. I actually got a lot drunker than I should have for a work event...
I drank quite quickly at the beginning then realised I was pretty drunk so stopped.. but I was still feeling it when I got home so it still lasted me ages.
We got on the stage and sang, danced, headbanged. The guys who ran the event actually came up to us at the end and thanked us for having such a good time.
Here's some of the pics.. my neck is still so sore from the headbanging..
Oh and David Mitchell is really funny!!
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Monday, June 18, 2018
Family day
Friday fun
Friday work was soooo slow because I was just so looking forward to the weekend as usual.
Me and Ant were looking forward to lunching allll day as we said we'd get a Greek wrap from one of the stalls, which was a big pitta thing with mixed meat in it like flavoured chicken, donar meat, hot dog and then chips, onion, garlic sauce and it's just amazing.
We walk past it all the time but I like to have salads/healthy meals all week and then Friday we were like oh fk it! And then it wasn't even there! What the hellllllllll. It's literally there all. the. time. So that was weird/annoying.. devastating!
So we just got a different mixed meat wrap and sat in the sunshine, it was really nice but I think we definitely need to try again this Friday for the Greek wrap.
5pm FINALLY hit on Friday and I waited for Ant to finish work and then we headed off to Taunton to see my family. I was so excited!
The traffic was fine, we got some grub on the way - I had a ham and cheese toastie from Starbucks and it was banging. Ant didn't like his as it had loads of mustard in it.. I did offer to swap.
Anyway, we arrived in good time and unpacked our stuff at my mum and Andy's mansion (yes literally).
We had a quick shower and got ourselves a drink! Let the weekend begin.
We had a good laugh as always, played pool, had couple drinks and enjoyed each other's company.
Me, Mum, Adam and Erika had all said we were doing the park run which is 5km, the next day and so we didn't stay up too late...
We managed to persuade Connor to come too, but surprisingly he did not the next day!
Swim and lift
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Sunday munday
Bbq fun times
Friday, June 8, 2018
My week
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Sicky Sun..
Sunday was one of the worst hangovers ever! I was honestly just throwing up everything. Even water.
I was feeling so so sorry for myself and wishing it would just stop, damn me and Ant for having fun on Saturday!
So yep.. me and Ant were feeling sorry for ourselves for a lot of Sunday. Which I hate as it was such a nice day and we were even enjoying slobbing this time. We both felt bad.
So I forced myself to eat bread and butter.. which was a real struggle, I won't lie. But it worked! I got up, tidied, cleaned and got my cook on.
All the food I had ordered on Saturday was so I could cook loads of food in bulk so that we have lots in.
I think I made 13 dinners in total or something like that. I made slow beef stew, slimming world bacon, squash and sweet potato stew, spag(less) bol and Hairy Bikers chicken tikka masala.
They were all yum! Apart from I may have got a little OTT on the tumeric in the curry which I was really annoyed about. I didn't mean too.. it was me tapping the jar and then BAM way too much.
But I was still yummy, to be honest.
I was cooking for hours and it was so so hot.. It was a struggle but I did really enjoy it. I love cooking and listening to/singing along to my music as well. I think I sat down around half 8.. my feet were aching and I smelt quite bloody awful but I'd had a productive and I was proud!
That night I didn't sleep well at all which really sucks when you know it's Monday the next day!
I woke up and just knew it was going to be a struggle! But I got through the day, it was really hard cos I just felt so tired! Traffic was so so so bad as well trying to get home so me and Ant were a bit miffed.
But we had a lush little evening as we sat and chilled early as we had a pre made dinner woo!
Sunny Sat
I kept saying I'd get up and go but I just never did. I actually wore my gym kit all morning and even that didn't work.
We had a Live Lean delivery which is lots of reduced fat meat, I got a discount from the gym so I thought I'd give it a go. Think it ended up being £35 for loads of chicken, steak, burgers, sausages and meatballs.
We then got an Asda order which I spent almost £100 on and when it arrived I realised I didn't get bread, eggs, or milk.. how! How is that even possible.
Anyway, Ant popped to the shop and got those ESSENTIAL bits so we could actually have brekkie. When he got back we made and ate some sausages sandwiches and discussed what we'd do for the day..
We didn't have any plans.. so I went and got a bath and sorted myself out. It was a really nice and sunny day so I wanted to go out and do something!
Ant got ready too and we decided to walk into Egham, which is half an hour away from our house, and go to a pub garden.
We got to the first pub and sat outside with a drink, it was so lovely! But maaaaybe, a little bit too hot. So we headed inside to play a game or 2 of pool.
I was so rubbish! The first game was better but I was still bad.. the second I literally didn't even pot a single ball and Ant potted all of his! It's lucky we weren't at my mums cos they have a rule you have to run around in your underwear if you don't pot any and lose. Not that I would have done that of course!
We decided to head home, and figure out what we were gonna do for the night.
We had a nice chill at home, sat in the garden and had couple more drinks.. and yeah it ended up being a very drinky day/night before we even knew it.
We ended up going to Sunbury and meeting our friends Hannah and Matty and going to the pubs around there. We sat in one pub where we got some drinks and Ant got a burger. Lois' brother was on the table next to us and we kept shouting/chatting to each other. Bants!
We moved onto a different pub and sat in their garden, and had a great night!
Matty came back to ours but I couldn't hack it! I went to bed around 1/2.. how I made it to there from starting drinking at around 12 I do not know!
Friday yay
I've not written on here since Thursday and it's now Tuesday..
So let's go back.
Friday, as far as I can remember was a normal working day.. I got up and did a weights exercise in the mancave, which I've not done in ages and it was really good!
I keep staying up later and so not getting up early and exercising which has always been my routine but for some reason recently I just can't wake up. Anyway, Friday I forced myself to and I'm so glad.
It really reminded me that, that's the best way to start the day. Everything just felt so much easier about the rest of the day. But maybe that's because it was Friday as well, so everything's a bit more positive as you're ready for the weekend.
Work was work.. I can't remember too much to be honest or even what me and Ant did at lunch time.
I do remember work being quite a laugh that afternoon, as me and my manager were chatting and laughing about stuff.. one thing being our next team away day being to go and spend time with micropigs! But my director said no.. boo!
I finished work anyway and headed home, I rushed to get ready as I needed to go and pick Lois up and then head to the Slug and Lettuce for a little school reunion. It was just a little meet up with the friendship group I used to hang around with in year 7-11.. not the whole year.
Me and Lois have been friends ever since so we, of course, were going together.
I picked her up and we got ready at mine, poured ourselves a pre drink (prink!) and waited for the cab.
Theeeeen the cab took ages so which was annoying as the girls were arriving and Lois booked the table. Oops.. fashionably late dalllling!
Anyway anyway, we arrived and it was bloody brilliant!
First there were Annie and Sophie, so we got there and did the usual OMG HAvenT SEEN yOU IN aGES!
Then the so what are you doing these days, how are ya! Turns out Annie is 8 weeks preggo, so exiting!! Sophie was saying she's really happy working where she is as well, she's moved around a lot but happy now. Woo! Onto the prosecco..
Then Becky, Emma and Rachel arrived. Now we have the old crew! We all had loads of chats, loads reminiscing and lots and lots of laughs!
I ended up doing a jokey dance on the sofay bit where we were sat like omg look at my twerk and then pretended I was doing it but not really moving my butt... anyway I turn around and Ant't bloody work mate is there watching, laughing! Cringe!
So we all moved onto the dance floor anyway and the girls started doing the Lissa's mum dance! I had totally forgotten about this and can't even really remember how it all started! But it's basically where you start off dancing really rubbish-ey cos you're not really feeling it... then slowly but surely.. getting into it.. until you dance loads like an idiot! Haha, it's so funny!
We ended up walking to Mcdonalds after (definitely my fault as I hadn't eaten dinner). I ended up putting a sign on my head and running around like an idiot hahaha... why am I like this. I was drunk but I remember it all, it was't me being out of it (even though this blog shows you I do that a lot) but this time I was actually just being stupid. I think I've always been the crazy one of the group.
Lois' boyf picked the two of us up and I got home and ate my Mcdonalds.. well tried to anyway I couldn't finish it. Ant helped of course.
Friday, June 1, 2018
Kettlebell klass
I had a baby!
So I have finally had my little baby girl and I could not be happier. She is absolutely perfect and I am totally totally in love. So I tho...

Thursdays work social went well! I have to say I was so anxious about it most of the day, sweating but not hot and just worrying about wha...
So Saturday morning, we got up nice and early and headed to the park. I felt a little rough but not massively and so was quite excited abou...
My day started off by ignoring my alarm which was for me to go off to the gym.. but I thought naaa. I am aching almost everywhere after bod...