I am a 24 year old fitness firecracker who lives in Surrey. I live with my lovely boyfriend and our two little cats in our first home we recently bought together. I am so lucky to have the family and friends I have and so I thought I'd write about it. This blog is for myself mainly (and my mum) but obviously great if others want to read!
Monday, June 18, 2018
Family day
Friday fun
Friday work was soooo slow because I was just so looking forward to the weekend as usual.
Me and Ant were looking forward to lunching allll day as we said we'd get a Greek wrap from one of the stalls, which was a big pitta thing with mixed meat in it like flavoured chicken, donar meat, hot dog and then chips, onion, garlic sauce and it's just amazing.
We walk past it all the time but I like to have salads/healthy meals all week and then Friday we were like oh fk it! And then it wasn't even there! What the hellllllllll. It's literally there all. the. time. So that was weird/annoying.. devastating!
So we just got a different mixed meat wrap and sat in the sunshine, it was really nice but I think we definitely need to try again this Friday for the Greek wrap.
5pm FINALLY hit on Friday and I waited for Ant to finish work and then we headed off to Taunton to see my family. I was so excited!
The traffic was fine, we got some grub on the way - I had a ham and cheese toastie from Starbucks and it was banging. Ant didn't like his as it had loads of mustard in it.. I did offer to swap.
Anyway, we arrived in good time and unpacked our stuff at my mum and Andy's mansion (yes literally).
We had a quick shower and got ourselves a drink! Let the weekend begin.
We had a good laugh as always, played pool, had couple drinks and enjoyed each other's company.
Me, Mum, Adam and Erika had all said we were doing the park run which is 5km, the next day and so we didn't stay up too late...
We managed to persuade Connor to come too, but surprisingly he did not the next day!
Swim and lift
I had a baby!
So I have finally had my little baby girl and I could not be happier. She is absolutely perfect and I am totally totally in love. So I tho...

Thursdays work social went well! I have to say I was so anxious about it most of the day, sweating but not hot and just worrying about wha...
So Saturday morning, we got up nice and early and headed to the park. I felt a little rough but not massively and so was quite excited abou...
My day started off by ignoring my alarm which was for me to go off to the gym.. but I thought naaa. I am aching almost everywhere after bod...