My day started off by ignoring my alarm which was for me to go off to the gym.. but I thought naaa. I am aching almost everywhere after body pump yesterday and besides, it's the 1st of May which means my random challenge of exercising all of April is over!

Anyway, I woke up and exercised in the mancave haha. I went back to sleep for a bit then when I was awake thought I may as well squeeze in half an hour.
I weighed myself at the beginning of January, determined to hit the gym loads this year and then I weighed myself the other day. I thought I'd done loads of exercise so it surely wasn't going to go up! But I guess I have eaten a bit.. relaxed you could say.
I normally eat healthily and then the weekend I just let loose. But since moving into my own place in Jan I feel like I just let myself go when it came to eating. I don't know why I just relaxed more.
So anyway, I've put weight on and I'm really sad about it! I have to say I can't tell if I look in the mirror. And my mum said it's because I drank lots the weekend before.. so I'm sticking to that.
But for reals, I am little gutted about this as I really like to be fit and healthy, especially as Summer is coming!
Anyway, back to this typical Tues, I then showered and woke a very sleepy and lazy Antony up (as per) and he went off to work and did I shortly afterwards.
Work was fineeee, always is. Enjoying having my manager back at work so we can have a lil natter.
I met Ant for lunch and we did a few bits and went to get a coffee. I really like having Antony work right next to me so we can meet for lunch.. we see each other so often. I know some couples may not see each other as much or think they'd get sick of their other half but honestly, we love it.
Guess we are just needy f*ckers. If I go to the gym at lunch Ant jokingly sulks at me!
Anyway, nothing really exciting happening today. I am starting to feed my friend's cats tonight so am going to do that from work then Lois is coming over for the weekly gossip.
Lois has made me dinner tonight, so am looking forward to that, hoping she doesn't poison me..