Monday, I woke up and exercised in the mancave. Nice start to the day!
I woke Ant up as per , I helped him life as he needs a helping hand in the mornings bless him.
Anyway, Monday was fine... My director joked to me about not bieng in on Friday. I think where my manager has said I was working from home they've assumed I was really really hungover and couldnt make it in!
I was in and ready(ish) for the day! It was fine anyway, we laughed about the Awards night.
Erm, I can't remember anything more about Monday! It wasn't even 2 days ago haha.
Pretty sure we just went off home and ate the thai dish I'd cooked at the weekend which was delicious! And then chilled.
Tuesday, sameyyyy.
Just work and then at lunch we went and did a back and abs session at the gym. Now we have 9 weeks and few days countdown to the holiday we are both feeling hugely motivated!
So here's my back exercise.. I can’t upload the video so here’s a still... will have to do.
Hoping I can look back at the video I have and will have improved!
It was good anyway, me and Ant both enjoyed it.
After work, I headed home to make lunches and feed our kitties.
My lil Lois isn't feeling great this week and so we didn't meet for our catch up. I'd made us a slimming world dinner in preparation, so I went and delivered it to her.
She came out of her house in her lil pjs and dressing gown, so cute! We ended up nattering in the street for ages as well!
I drove home and pretty much showered, had my dinner and watched Love island! (Future me, you need to re-watch, it's so juicy! But also a load of crap so maybe you're too mature for it now?)
So it's now Wednesday.. I went to the gym at lunchtime to do the legs/bums and tums class which I did last week and really enjoyed.
This week.. not so much..
The new instructor who i’d not experienced before.. was late and we had no music for half of it. He didn't explain the exercises properly, which is fine for me.. but I just thought.. really?!
He ran over by 15 minutes and then at the end asked me how it was! I am too polite and said really good hahaha!
To be honest we did do some burners so it was still good.
This evening Antony is out for a work meeting, so I'm just chilling with the kitties and awaiting a call to pick him up.