I've not written on here since Thursday and it's now Tuesday..
So let's go back.
Friday, as far as I can remember was a normal working day.. I got up and did a weights exercise in the mancave, which I've not done in ages and it was really good!
I keep staying up later and so not getting up early and exercising which has always been my routine but for some reason recently I just can't wake up. Anyway, Friday I forced myself to and I'm so glad.
It really reminded me that, that's the best way to start the day. Everything just felt so much easier about the rest of the day. But maybe that's because it was Friday as well, so everything's a bit more positive as you're ready for the weekend.
Work was work.. I can't remember too much to be honest or even what me and Ant did at lunch time.
I do remember work being quite a laugh that afternoon, as me and my manager were chatting and laughing about stuff.. one thing being our next team away day being to go and spend time with micropigs! But my director said no.. boo!
I finished work anyway and headed home, I rushed to get ready as I needed to go and pick Lois up and then head to the Slug and Lettuce for a little school reunion. It was just a little meet up with the friendship group I used to hang around with in year 7-11.. not the whole year.
Me and Lois have been friends ever since so we, of course, were going together.
I picked her up and we got ready at mine, poured ourselves a pre drink (prink!) and waited for the cab.
Theeeeen the cab took ages so which was annoying as the girls were arriving and Lois booked the table. Oops.. fashionably late dalllling!
Anyway anyway, we arrived and it was bloody brilliant!
First there were Annie and Sophie, so we got there and did the usual OMG HAvenT SEEN yOU IN aGES!
Then the so what are you doing these days, how are ya! Turns out Annie is 8 weeks preggo, so exiting!! Sophie was saying she's really happy working where she is as well, she's moved around a lot but happy now. Woo! Onto the prosecco..
Then Becky, Emma and Rachel arrived. Now we have the old crew! We all had loads of chats, loads reminiscing and lots and lots of laughs!
I ended up doing a jokey dance on the sofay bit where we were sat like omg look at my twerk and then pretended I was doing it but not really moving my butt... anyway I turn around and Ant't bloody work mate is there watching, laughing! Cringe!
So we all moved onto the dance floor anyway and the girls started doing the Lissa's mum dance! I had totally forgotten about this and can't even really remember how it all started! But it's basically where you start off dancing really rubbish-ey cos you're not really feeling it... then slowly but surely.. getting into it.. until you dance loads like an idiot! Haha, it's so funny!
We ended up walking to Mcdonalds after (definitely my fault as I hadn't eaten dinner). I ended up putting a sign on my head and running around like an idiot hahaha... why am I like this. I was drunk but I remember it all, it was't me being out of it (even though this blog shows you I do that a lot) but this time I was actually just being stupid. I think I've always been the crazy one of the group.
Lois' boyf picked the two of us up and I got home and ate my Mcdonalds.. well tried to anyway I couldn't finish it. Ant helped of course.
Oh its so cool that you all met up!! You should definitely make the effort to do that on a semi-regular basis!! Makes me smile that you were doing that dance - I remember I used to come in your room when you had your friends around and mess about for a bit. Its awesome that ppl remember that with good memories!
ReplyDeleteIt was so good! We said we’ve got to do it again. Haha, yeah I remember.. you were a cool mum ;) not embarrassing at all xxx