I went to the doctors who were literally like, was it planned? Yes. Congratulations.. here's a self referral form to get yourself booked in with a midwife.
Oh, actually I say not much happened.. Connor and Emily came to stay that Friday night as we had a festival the next day!! So they arrived late Friday evening, all was well, we got into pjs and got chilling which was lovely. We had some dinner, which was delicious! They'd made vegan cauliflower curry and gave us loads, omg it was lush. (could eat it now!!)
Earlier in the convo Connor mentioned how he'd spoken to mum earlier about the festival and he mentioned how I am really annoying when I drink cos I'm very loud and just very out there (I'm very aware of this, everyone is!!) and mum had "joked" on the phone, oh maybe she won't drink this year.. Emily made a comment laughing saying that she cant imagine me ever walking out of the front door sober on the way to a festival (which usually is very true!).
So anyway, we went into the living room and sat to chill and chat... I knew I had to tell them the news even though it was really early cos we were going to Hospitality the next day and I was obviously going to be sober and this makes it soooo obvious because, honestly there's no other reason as to why I wouldnt drink! So I sat there, really bloody nervous/anxious which I didnt expect.. I thought telling people would be an awesome feeling of YAAAY but honestly, almost everyone I've told I've been sweating and not overly enjoyed the experience!
So I started by saying.. sooo you will be seeing me walk out of the door sober tomorrow.. and they both stared at me like wtf, I said because I'm pregnant!
Honestly, it felt like a good 10 minutes the whole room was silent. I didnt know what to do, no-one was speaking and I was sat there feeling so silly! Eventually I was like.. can someone please say something? And they were sort of like.. are you joking?? Is this serious? LOL
I can understand why they didnt believe me cos they didnt know we were trying and so it was sort of out of the blue.. especially as I'd not really changed my party lifestyle all that recently at all. But once they believed me, they were finally like congratulations! Hugged me and we continued on with the night.
The next day was awesome, I've never done a festival sober and honestly never thought I would! I really really enjoyed it and had such a good laugh, the only annoying thing was needing a wee and being too pee shy to go as the portaloos were gross and i wasnt drunk enough to ignore it!
Connor and Emily started to tell me later on how happy they were for us and what awesome uncle and auntie they were going to be, which was lovely haha.
Ant couldnt hold it in and so told his friend, which escalated to us telling the whole group - I thought they'd cotton on to me being sober but honestly I totally was gonna get away with it!! Everyone was really lovely, especially our close friends Matty and Ade. Love them!
Anyway, I did leave an hour before the end as my legs were totally done and I was tired, but we got home easily in a cab and I munched a curry when we got in and was in bed asleep by 11pm! Result!

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