Anyway about a year ago I said to Ant 'soo when we having babies' and he jokingly said 'Tuesday the 3rd' so I looked in my calendar and the next was September.. anyway skip forward to July 19 and I'm bringing it back up again. We spoke about it and he kept to Tuesday 3rd September, BUT obviously I bumped this forward to August and started trying.
We had an awesome summer, in June we went to Nass. And in July to SW4 which was AMAZING and I knew in my head this was possibly gonna be one of my last festies for a looong while, we went to loads of parties and drank loads and yeah, enjoyed the last summer (for me anyway) of drinking.

SW4 was honestly the best!!!
So anyway, in August I drove myself a little insane, this was the first time ever I was trying to have a baby.. it was all so so exciting but I am also a bit of a craazy person. I was obsessed with googling symptoms, and making sure we had sex all the time at the right time.. I wanted to test EVERY SINGLE DAY. So yeah I was a bit of a stressy person (shock).
But I really surprised myself the following month, I decided, okay I've done the craziness.. lets take it easy now. Which was so much more of a relief! We kept trying on the right days and that sort of thing. Then about 3/4 days before I was due on, I had my bestie Lois over (she comes over every Tues) and so we thought lets test. I had loads of the cheapy ones you get off Amazon anyways.
So I take the test and we carry on chatting - we really arent paying attention at all...
Then few mins later we check it (also Alex, one of Ants besties walks in and we are sooo obviously hiding something, we jump out of our skin and laugh and just look totally guilty. Was so funny! He didn’t respond, probably cos we were being just so ridiculous and weird!) and the test looks pretty negative, but we look reaaaaaaally close and there's the faintest lil line ever. We didnt want to get our hopes up but we'd done these tests last month and seen nothing at all.
I did another 2 tests to see if the little line came up again and it did..again I'm trying real hard not to be crazy here. We get a tiny bit excited but dont want to get too ahead of ourselves...
The next day I did like what felt like 20 other tests, digital ones that failed.. ones that said 'not pregnant' and reaally faint lines.
I called my mum and said 'so I've done a test' and straight away she was like ARGHHHHHHHH I KNEW THAT'S WHY YOU WERE CALLING. She really was getting excited, which was awesome cos I was secretly screaming too but just had it in the back of my mind that I still wasn’t 100%.
I'd always planned that when I tell Antony it's gonna be all set up, have a lil camera filming and I hand him this little Harry Potter babygrow cos I know he'd love it.. but honestly, this all went out the window cos I didnt want to wait till we got home and do a big reveal I just wanted to tell him NOW.
So at lunch I set my phone to voice record (didnt want to film and it be really obvious) and I told him I think I might be pregnant.. his reaction was ..a very shocked face and a very scared 'wot' hahaa.. makes me laugh still. He was like 'What do you mean you THINK you might be pregnant' and so I explained the faint lines etc and he was like ‘ohhhh my god I cant eat’. (we'd met up for lunch)
So this was Wednesday and I was due on on Friday, so we waited till Friday to do another test and get our definite positive.. in the meantime Ant kept going 'ohhh sheeettt' every time he thought about it, haha! In a funny way.. he wasn’t freaking out tooooo badly..
Friday morning came, omg I was so excited.. Ant was lay in the bath and I did the test, sat down next to him and explained what we were looking for.. we were so nervous.. then eventually I flipped it over and there was a definite cross, our definite 'you are pregnant!' EEEEK! Antony seemed happy and was like 'yep there it is' bless him, still a bit like 'sheeet' haha. But was grinning and saying ‘we gonna have a baby!’
I sent the pic to my mum and to Lois and mum was like yaay! I knew it! Lois called and cried down the phone with happiness which made me cry and we just screamed and were very much like 'omg.. this is real WTF!'
So this I guess this is the beginning... and I am SO excited.
awww felt quite emotional reading this!!! I know you have wanted a baby since, well, forever, but have been very sensible and waited until the time was right (unlike me!) so so so happy for you - and me!! Exciting times ahead my
ReplyDeletebaby girl!!