Lets start with Friday of course..
Our best friend Matty came round for the evening, we had tuna pasta bake and caught up on life! Matty has had a bit of a hard time lately but I feel like is coming out the other side now.. I wont go into details as this is not for me to discuss on my blog. Me and Ant love this man with our whole hearts and would do anything to make sure he is happy!
So he came over, we ate and chatted which was lovely and we carved pumkins! This was actually a lot of fun, people had said at work that it's tedious and I wouldnt enjoy it much.
But it was hilarious! To Ant nearly cutting his fingers off to me knocking the tooth out of my pumpkin.
We added the pics of Ant's and Matty's to my instagram for a vote and Matty's won! Mine was awful and didn't deserve an insta post.

On the Saturday Ant was taking me out to London for a surprise to celebrate my birthday.. we got up, he made us breakfast and we headed out.
Travel was easy peasy and we both listened to Pro Green on the tube.
When we arrived, I still had no clue where we were going but the weather was dry and we were happy as larry! We passed a theatre and I jokingly asked if we were going in.. didnt think much of it till we reached the next theatre down the road which was showing the Book of Mormon which I've always wanted to see.
A few years ago, Ant said we could go and then his group of mates organised all the lads going so he went to see it without me! So years later and he's making up for it.
I was so excited! We had some time and I was starving, Ant said we could go anywhere I liked.. including the amazing Hard Rock Cafe which me and my family love..
But I chose Pizza Hut! (sorry mum... I'm a simple chav muahaa) so we ate our body weight in pizza and went for a beer/coke before the show.
The show was absolutely hilarious!! I can't recommend it enough, I was belly laughing. I have to say, it's not for those who get offended easily.. it's made by the guys who created South Park, so you know their jokes are savage, it was so so good. I want to see it again already!

We went for another beer/coke and headed home, usually we'd go partying, this is the first Birthday since teens I've been so sensible!
But it was a frigging awesome day and I went to sleep a very happy bunny.
Sunday, I literally got up and cleaned/tidied the house, did some cooking and slobbed. The perfect Sunday! (yes even with the house work, it makes me happy haha)
So Monday, my birthday! EEEEEEK. Honestly, I kept forgetting it was my birthday cos I was soo so excited for our first (early scan!)
I woke up about 4am so excited and so ready for the day! Haha, I eventually got out of bed about 6am and got myself in the bath and ready. Woke Antman up at 8am and we had some brekkie and got ready. Ant came upstairs with cupcake (We always waste a big bday cake) and a candle in it singing to me. God I love him!
We head off to Wimbledon, listening to music and texting family about our movements as people were excited to see the pic and get the update too.
We arrived and waited a short while, me and Ant distracted ourselves by playing a silly game on his phone cos we (I) couldnt sit still.
We went in and gave a few details of name, DOB etc. Lay on the bed and they put the jelly stuff on my belly.
The first thing the lady said was how full my bladder was and how much did I drink!! Hhaha, tell me about it love..
Anyway, she scanned or whatever you'd word it as.. round my belly and found the little nugget! EEEK. She examined for a second without saying much as I looked at Ant really excitedly and held my hand out to him.
She then said how it was definitely a live pregnancy as the lil bab was wriggling around so much! It was INSANE to see! We were fully expecting a tiny little blob.. it was actually in lil human shape. Little arms and legs.. it was honestly incredible. To see the heartbeat fluttering away as well.. honestly makes me well up. She said the heart rate was around 170 which was really good.

She said that the baby is gonna be a real kicker and it was moving so much! She dated me at 9 weeks and 3 days. My due date is 29th May 2020.
She then checked over my ovaries etc and all fine. I can't put into words how amazing this experience was, to be there with Antony and look at this tiny little baby we are having.
We were all done and I was more than ready to go for a wee!! Haha, we left the scan place and went to the nearest coffee shop so we could look through all the pics they automatically sent to my phone.
Again, this was just awesome, to look at the pics and send them to my family, who were all waiting.. The response was so nice as well, I was just overwhelmed by love this day!
We facetimed Antony's nan to tell her the news and she was really really happy, she's joked in the past not to make her a great nan but since having 2 other little granddaughters, she's loving it. So she was really happy, we love her a lot.
We then headed home to tell Ant's siblings.. We first met Hannah for lunch and handed her a scan picture and she was soooo excited!! She is massively broody at the moment and so was overjoyed by the news of another niece/nephew, so that was really cool.
We then headed home for pressies and and a chill.
Antony got me my favourite perfume, some sweeties and new pjs and a reeeeeally lush dressing gown. Honestly, all these things were bloody perfect. I've hardly taken off the pjs and dressing gown..
We watched a crimey documentary as I got to choose TV cos it was my birthday muhaha! And headed to Ant's brother's house to tell him and his partner the news. They've got a 6 month old baby who is literally the cutest ever.
We showed them the picture and they were happy for us too, we caught up and I played with the baba for a bit. Once we'd got home, we had texts from the both of them to say congrats and if we need anything to ask them, which was really lovely.
So yeah! I can honestly say this was one of the best weekends ever! All just went absolutely perfectly.
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