So, this is finally recent life now I've caught up.
And life at the moment is crazy! The corona virus I've mentioned previously has become massive..
I wont go into detail about the facts because, to be honest, I've avoided them as it's pretty damn scary! But I'll tell it how I've experienced it.
At first when I heard about it I just heard it was like the flu and lots of people were getting ill and we had to wash our hands more regularly... I have to admit I really didnt take it seriously, I was the one joking with all the memes and singing happy birthday twice whilst washing my hands was as far as I was going.
Well.. then it started to creep up on us, and people here started to die.. you'd here about a death every other day and it started to feel a little more real. Then more and more cases were being reported. I think (from a quick google search) that the first death reported was 13th March in Scotland.. it's not the 8th April and the number of deaths in the UK is 6,159.. so that's how real this thing now is! How terrifying is that..
So it went from a few cases, to schools closing, to pubs and restaurants closing, to everyone working from home, to complete lockdown where we have to follow these rules:
You should only leave the house for very limited purposes:
- Shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
- One form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle - alone or with members of your household
- Any medical need, including to donate blood, avoid or escape risk of injury or harm, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
-Travelling for work purposes, but only where you cannot work from home
How insane is life right now?! All events are being cancelled.. like Adam and Erika's wedding.. I won't have a babyshower, we just cant do anything we'd planned.
My birth will also have different rules.. I am only allowed one birth partner, so just Antony rather than having my mum there as well. Which is devastating. Antony has to leave an hour after the baby is born.. he's not allowed there until i'm officially in labour.. so if I go in to be induced he's not allowed in. And I'm not allowed any visitors at all.. it's really shit to be honest!
BUT.. I moan about these things and then give myself a reality check because we are healthy, we are staying safe.. these rules arent in place because the midwives want to be rubbish or cant be bothered with visitors.. they're all for our own safety. As long as baby if here safely that's all that will matter.
I just hope hope hope with everything I got that Ant will be there for her actual birth. I'd be so sad if he missed it.. but I need to take everyday as it comes because who knows where we'll at the end of May. Fingers crossed the rules will have relaxed but we shall see.
On a lighter note, me and Ant have been working from home together and it's really nice. We are very much a couple that spend all of our time together and dont row or get annoyed with each other.. we're used to each other's company all the time. We have little breaks to dance or sing along to the radio and I dunno.. in all this negativity, its nice to have these positives. Like not having to get ready in the mornings.. being pretty chilled all day ( i was always on my feet at work and getting tired with pregnancy)
Also.. thinking of positives.. if Ant is still working from home when the baby is here we'll have lots more time together than we normally would as he'd be at work so that's nice.
It's just a shame that no-one can come and see my newborn baby! People wot actually meet her until she's grown some.. who knows.
Anyway as you can tell it's very up and down at the moment.. Let's just hope that this whole thing starts to die down soon.. I just want it to be over as I'm sure the whole world does.
Every Thursday everyone stands outside their doors to clap and praise the NHS and the front line workers, it's really nice.
Anyway, some recent pics.
Bump date at 31 week here..
Us working from home real hard
Sums up our lives
The weather has been so beaut lately, which makes this whole situation a lot more bearable. We are so grateful that we have a garden. We might be in isolation but we are so lucky to have each other, a lovely house with a big garden and our little kits to keep us happy x
I am a 24 year old fitness firecracker who lives in Surrey. I live with my lovely boyfriend and our two little cats in our first home we recently bought together. I am so lucky to have the family and friends I have and so I thought I'd write about it. This blog is for myself mainly (and my mum) but obviously great if others want to read!
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
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