I am a 24 year old fitness firecracker who lives in Surrey. I live with my lovely boyfriend and our two little cats in our first home we recently bought together. I am so lucky to have the family and friends I have and so I thought I'd write about it. This blog is for myself mainly (and my mum) but obviously great if others want to read!
Monday, April 30, 2018
Morning madness
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Sunday Slobday
Saturday after cleaning my house and then having a nice bath, I painted my nails and sat with Antony whilst he played his game.
Ant's mum brought round some cupboards for storage in the mancave, which was great.. apart from the fact that I had swept and mopped the floor and ... it was ruined by grass and muddy foot prints about an hour later *upside down smile emoji*
Anyway, that's my mini moan over, can't have a post without at least one moan!
So Saturday evening we were going out for Ant's mum' birthday so we got ready and headed into Staines. As we arrived we heard Hannah, Ant's sis and one of my mates, shouting out the window of her brother's car 'wait for me!! They're refusing to walk with me!!'
Hannah had a wig party after the meal we were going to and looked... different.
She had pink/orangey hair, multi coloured fur cardigan on and little mini skirt.. she looked awesome, just maybe not for Nandos and cinema!
Anyway, Nandos was yummy and nice to see everyone. Halloumi sticks are my absolute favourite thing at the moment, with chilli jam, they're so nice! Dinner was slightly rushed as we had to get to the cinema.
We got to the cinema and Ant spent £15 on sweets and ice cream.. I got the fanta frozen which is so nice and I haven't had in years!
We were seeing Infinity War which is an Avengers film. This is something Ant loves, as do his family, not something I would usually watch. But it was so good! We all really enjoyed it.
I am such an early bird so I was really tired after the film. It was only about 11pm but I wake before 7 every day and so I always want to go to sleep early (unless having a sesh haha).
So we came home, we had a cuppa tea and then went to bed.
I woke up at 8:47! Which was after Antony! This makes me so happy and I love when Ant is the one awake before me because it's so rare and it means he brings me coffee and I get to be the sleepy one.
Anyway, I woke up, got ready and went off to the gym.
I have almost closed my rings for this whole month but recently cheated a little, I put the watch on exercise when I was cleaning my house and so yes, I closed my rings, but no I didn't really do a workout.
So I had my break yesterday and today I went to a tone class. I have to say it was a lot of cardio for a tone class! But I enjoyed it a lot.
I went to Sainsburys and then to my friend Chris' house who recently left the company I work for.
I had a coffee and a catch up and he showed me round his lovely house/cabin at the back of his garden. The cabin is so awesome, a really chilled out area with an amazing hot tub in it. I am looking after his cats for the next two weeks as he is going to California.
Chris' house is in between mine and work so should be quite easy to fit into my routine and I love cats of course so will be nice!
I text Lois earlier and mentioned we could have our Tuesday catch up there!
I then came home and after a quick shower, started making a chilli.
I really enjoy cooking and so when I'm feeling fresh on a Sunday, take the opportunity to make food and freeze it. So I made loads of chilli and marinated chicken for tonight's curry.
Me and Ant are making a chicken and spinach balti, I've not made this before so hoping it's yummy!
I've watched about 3 episodes of First Dates and now I think I'll watch Educating Greater Manchester.
I want to distract myself away from the fact the weekend is almost over! But I am feeling good, after a nice and chilled weekend I feel I am going to work anxiety and tiredness free. Well hopefully anyway!
Saturday, April 28, 2018
Weekend is here
I have to say I was so anxious about it most of the day, sweating but not hot and just worrying about what could go wrong and that I might mess it up. And the work deodorant smelt like man so I’m oretty sure I did for the rest of the night.
We left work and all headed into Feltham where the bowling alley was.
We got to the desk and I checked us all in, got the drinks and the food ordered and then got the games started!
I was so so bad. Almost every ball went straight down the side.. but you know I was there to make sure everyone was sorted and having a good time. So my aim was to be really rubbish so that everyone else felt good about how they were doing!
We had another drink and switched the teams around, it was good fun!
We then headed to Nando’s which was a short walk away.. I thought I knew where it was, until turning a corner and it not being where I expected. I definitely had a little panic inside because 20 odd people were following me!
Luckily it was just round the next corner. Phew.
Then the mayhem! We all got to our big table at the back, it was loud and the whole place was so packed! In Nando’s they don’t come and take your order so it was up to me to go around the table and get everyone’s order. It was slightly challenging as people were not specific! But all fine.
I went off to the till to order 700 chicken thighs..
Eventually everyone got their meal and we all sat eating and chatting away. We had a good laugh.. At the end, my director said it was well organised and seemed happy. Massive relief.
Then next morning was FriYaY!
I dont really have much planned for this weekend and am looking forward to a chill to be honest as this week has been miserable at times and I have to say I’ve been pretty anxious for a lot of the week.
Talking about anxiety..
A couple years ago I went on a work trip to somewhere where they spoke about bomb making, interesting stuff! It was just me and one of the other guy that worked with me, Mark.
Everything was fine, until 2 people walked up to us and started chatting away. Out of nowhere I had what I compare to an out of body experience .. sounds weird and probably dramatic but anyway.
I just couldn’t speak or move and I felt like my head was too big and heavy for my body.
My thoughts didn’t feel like normal thoughts in my head.
I was sweaty and feeling really hot and my brain just wouldn’t work. I had absolutely no idea what was happening. I just remember feeling stuck where I was and had no idea what to do. It honestly felt like I had taken a hallucinogenic drug or something.
I took myself off to the loo and just tried to breath but all I kept thinking was what the hell is happening to me?!
The rest of the day was awful because I just kept trying to play it cool but all I could think was what if it happens again. There was no-one I could talk to and Mark was my lift so I couldn’t leave even though that’s all I wanted to do!
So I’m pretty sure I had some sort of panic attack, but why! I still don’t know.
Since then I’ve had a pretty bumpy ride with anxiety. I always think that’s going to happen again and I genuinely feel my life has been different since that day.
Now I get hot and bothered randomly and worry about all sorts of things. It’s not all the time, it’s mainly at work or maybe even some social events but not too often.
I have to fight my own thoughts. Really tell myself everything is fine and ask myself what am I actually worrying about. I have to remind myself where I am, who I have around me and really calm myself down.
Anyway the reason I spoke about this is because this week I’ve had a bit of a bad time with it. With the worry of drinking too much over the previous weekend, having an argument with Antony and the work social.
I got home yesterday feeling so drained. But! I had some wine and ordered a curry and enjoyed my night.
Today I’ve woken up feeling positive, cleaned my entire house and now chilling in the bath.
This has been a very long post so i’ll leave it there. To anyone else who has had a similar experience or struggling with anxiety. It’s okay to feel like that! It’s actually a lot more common that I first thought., just breathe and remind youself. Life. Is. Good. And you are okay!
Thursday, April 26, 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Last min lunch
Monday, April 23, 2018
Sunday funday
For me, I always wake up really hungover and then the realisation of work sets in later and its just a bit meh.
But, on this occasion it wasn't so bad at all! I mean, I did wake up feeling pretty rough in the end but managed to shake it off and make us all a fry up and again, out into the sunshine!
I am so glad Antony returned the set of table and chairs for outside because the new ones are so much better (obviously) and we've used them every day since! It's been so nice. Especially as there's been 10 of us at certain points and my house isn't huge!
Anyway, so back to Sunday. We spent most of the day chilling in the garden, talking about the usual, weather, holidays, serial killers.. you know.
We then all bundled into the cars to go and visit Runnymede Air force Memorial. It was pretty incredible to be honest.
The view from the top was awesome! You could see Windsor Castle and Heathrow.
Obviously, it's an awful reason as to why it exists but I also thought it was such a lovely way to remember those who fought for us. We had a wander round for a while and Antony was giving me a History lesson.. I should have listened in school really!
We then left to go to the Magna Carta but that was closed, so we just went for a walk around. We did look at the 'Jurors' which I googled as I couldn't explain what they were: ' Twelve intricately worked bronze chairs stand together on this ancient meadow. Each chair incorporates symbols and imagery representing concepts of law and key moments in the struggle for freedom, rule of law and equal rights. The Jurors is not a memorial, but rather an artwork that aims to examine the changing and ongoing significance and influences of Magna Carta.'
They were really cool! And now I really want to learn more about this kind of thing.. I want to go back to school to be honest and really concentrate because I feel like I didn't make the most of it at all.
We were all feeling pretty tired now so we headed back home.
Connor used to be a chef and so offered to make us all a cheesy, creamy, spinachy, leeky, amazing pasta bake. Omg it was incredible! And I have it tonight too as there was loads left!
So, we ate this delicious meal and then it was time for Connor and his girlfriend Emily to leave. I really hate this part..
We said our goodbyes and my dad dropped them to the train station.
Feeling really tired after a weekend of drinking in the sun, we pretty much all went to bed when my dad got back. I slept so awfully as all I could think about was going back to work and routine.. was dreaming about making salads for lunches.
Anyway, so it's Monday morning and I'm feeling a little bit sad as when I get home after work, my house is going to be empty and quiet. I absolutely love seeing my family but having to say bye again really sucks when they live so far away!
We really did have such an amazing weekend! So many laughs were had and memories were made. It's been so so much fun and I want to re-do it all.. but maybe tomorrow so I can catch up on some sleep first.
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Food festival
I got up and went for a run, the weather is still so nice! I seriously wish it could be sunny allllll year round.
So after my run, I got back, showered and got ready to sit in the sun again! We all had some breakfast and chilled outside with a drink.
My older brother Adam came round with his girlfriend Erika too. Erika brought me some clothes round which I love! She’s given me loads of her clothes in the past and it’s beaut because.. new clothes obviously! But also they’re better than mine as I’m a cheapskate and just shop and primark and matalan whereas Erika has better brands!
Anyway, so we all went off to the station to make our way to Richmond where the food festival was.
We arrived and all went straight to the different bars. Antony got a beer, I got cider, Karen and Beth had pimms, Connor and Emily had cocktails, Erika had prossecco and I think Adam had beer! More like an alcohol festival than food so far!
There was a band playing some typical music that everyone knows the words to, like queen and I can’t remember the name of the song but all I keep singing is ‘sweet dreams are made of cheese, who am I to disabrie’ hopefully you know the one.. kind of.
So we all decided to go off and get the food we liked and meet on the grass. Antony’s friend was working at the festival which is how we heard of it. And we went over to say Hi and he made us 2 mixed meat Greek pitta wrap things. It was amazing! It was a big pitta bread with chips, garlicy sauce with about 3/4 different meats. Yum.
We sat and ate and chilled for a bit. It started to rain a little which was annoying as we’d all taken the piss out of Antony for bringing a jacket ... now I had to ask nicely to borrow it. He let me until I started singing rupaul and then took it away until I stopped.
We ended up going for a wander and getting more drinks. I was getting very drunk quite quickly, to be honest everyone was! Apart from my dad of course as he doesn’t drink at all.
We saw a sign shop and Karen bought Antony a mancave sign which is damn cool!
To be honest, I know a lot more happened but it’s a little bit blurry from here on as I had a lot a lot of 6% cider... ooh I also had a vimto cider which was amazing!
Okay so yeah, I’m not sure on a lot that happened next. I do remember lots of photos being taken and being dragged across the grass by Connor and then him and Emily touching my neck and me being dramatic about it. I remember a lot of being picked up and picking people up and yes. It was all very drunken. I don’t remember the journey home and I’m pretty sure soon after getting home I ended up in bed feeling sick.. it was about 9pm.
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Family fun
So after work on Thursday I went and got my haircut and then came home to finish off any last bits before my family arrived.
Antony set up the replacement table and chairs, yay! So when we had finished everything, we sat outside and relaxed with a beverage.
First to arrive was my twin bro Connor. He came in, farted in every room and then needed a poo! Typical Connor..
Not long after, my dad, step mum and sister arrived. So exciting! And so strange to have them here as we’re usually in Manchester. I showed them around and then we sat and ordered pizza. Beaut.
We didn’t stay up too much longer as it was already about 1am at this point so we all went off to bed.
I woke up at 6 as per usual.. which is so very annoying. I got up, went for a run and then when I got back me and my sister sat in the sun chatting away and painting our nails. And screaming about the wasps! My step mum, Karen came and joined and we had a nice chill.
Once everyone else was up I made them some brekkie and we all got ready for the day.
Me, my dad, Connor (twinnie) and Beth (sister) played the longest game of cards ever which was hilarious. Making stupid noises to do the reverse card and Connor showing us a magic trick which was made better by his silly sound effects.
After picking my brothers girlfriend Emily up we all got back to mine and sat in the sun with prossecco cocktail Karen had made. It was yummy! And many laughs were bad.
Antony got back after finishing work and we got ready and headed to Turtle Bay.
We got there and ordered lots of cocktails to start. Beth is only 16 but always seems to get away with drinking. She is gorgeous and does her make up so well! I am jealous of her! We look the same age. We’re both 5foot. We actually had to ask someone in Sainsbury’s to pass up something from the top shelf earlier in the day and the man laughed at us calling us short! We know mate.. we know.
The food in Turtle Bay was Caribbean and delicious. We had such a laughs as we always do.
We came home and attempted to play cards against humanity but to be honest we were all so tired - especially me who ended up being a grump because I’d not got enough sleep the night before!
So me and Beth headed up, not before checking the weather for the next day as we’re going to a food festival in Richmond. Looking forward to it, my other brother and his girlfriend are also coming to meet us so should be good!
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Happy hump day! *insert camel emoji*
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
Just a typical Tuesday
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Closing the rings
BUT lets be positive and talk about the good side. I honestly get so much enjoyment from exercising and keeping fit, I love seeing how I can improve and feeling stronger.
I feel so confident about exercise, I'm pretty sure it's the thing I feel most confident doing.
I used to just go to the gym and do cardio for an hour and then wonder why nothing was changing.. then I discovered gym classes and different bootcamps and this brought in weights and things I hadn't tried.
Now I favour weight training and constantly trying to push myself to lift heavier! I don't exercise to lose weight or necessarily change the way I look, I really enjoy it, like people enjoy taking part in a sport. Obviously it's great when you notice differences in the way you look though!
So anyway, back to the Apple watch.. god I do ramble. The apple watch has 3 rings: stand for a minute each hour 12 times, 30 mins of exercise and then the move goals is set for you based on what you did the previous week (mine is 400 calories a day most of the time).
So yeah, this really motivates me to exercise. I try and do 5/6 days a week.. usually hanging for at least one day a week ha! But recently I've randomly set myself a challenge to close the rings every day this month.. I don't remember why but I now have to do it and so far so good! Today is my 19th day of closing all the rings.. I've never done this much!
I spend a lot of time in the classes at the gym which I love as it means I work muscles I wouldn't usually focus on (like shoulders for example) and I go to the gym so often I know the instructors and so I know it's cringy but I feel like it’s quite homey.
I also go into the 'mancave' (garage at back of house) and do my own workouts in there a lot. The boyf wants to make it his mancave but I really want a gym! So we're going to 'share' pretty sure I'm getting about 20% for the gym stuff.. which is fine with me to be honest!
I've added some pics of the sort of stuff I do in the mancave.. I improvise a lot and obviously I don't have actual qualifications in Health and Fitness so I make up the name of exercises I don't know.
Hopefully you can read when you zoom...
Saturday, April 14, 2018
Weekend fun
He was buzzing afterwards and we went for some lunch in Staines where they had animals and all sorts going on. Weird day so far really!
We then got ready and our friend Tay drove myself the boyf (Ant), Matty and Ade to our friend Sammy’s housewarming party. Tay put on awful awful rap music in the car which was funny but as I said.. awful! I was also in the middle of 2 men where there wasn’t actually a seat and it was so hot! So yeah it was a bit of a sweaty mess.
When we arrived it was pretty quiet and we very quickly changed that, loud voices and lots of laughter. Lots and lots of booze... Love going out with the boyfs lot, we always have proper belly laughs.
We played beer pong, I got a total of one ping pong ball in the other teams cup and drank a total of no beer at all as it’s rank! I was on the boys team so they drank it for me.
I always seem to hang out with the boys over the girls. I just get on with them so much more.. I don’t know if that makes girls dislike or judge me but I just feel like I fit in with the boys better. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the girls in Ants group and I am good friends with them!
So yeah, we got pretty drunk and Ade and Matty came back to ours so we could order and eat pizza. I actually ended up sitting in bed and drunk texting my mum rather than hanging with them downstairs, it was only around half 10 at this point too! Think we started drinking around 4.
It’s currently 6:16am as I woke up at half 5, I hate when this happens, I just can’t get back to sleep even though I sooo tired. I want to wake Ant up but he’d kill me... gonna find me some cats to cuddle.
Friday, April 13, 2018
So as I was falling asleep last night, I was thinking why am I writing this blog.. it’s not like I’m special in anyway or have very exciting life.. or more so than anyone else anyway.
But then I thought.. it’s just so different from getting likes, or follows or retweets.. its for me to just enjoy writing about life for no real reason and not checking it to see who’s looked at it and just.. not caring too much to be honest!
I think the main reason it to be able to look back in years and remember how life was..
Anyway! Just some night time thoughts.
So, I woke up.. well was woken up by the boyf snoring next to me this morning. Then as soon as I open the bedroom door the cats run to me and I HAVE to go and feed them so I’m clearly wide awake by now.
So I got up to go for a run, I did 5K in 31 minutes and I cant help but feel disheartened afterwards as I did 5K in 26 mins previously and now I’m just hard on myself wondering why I can’t get that again!
I’ve exercised for 17 days in a row so far and I feel knackered but I’ve got a bit of an unhealthy/healthy obsession with exercise… nothing too serious of course!
Off to work and I am wishing my day away so me and the boyf can go to Jimmy Spices, a place where it’s buffet style with all kinds of foods: Indian, Italian, Chinese.. etc.
I’m going to eat so bloody much and I can’t wait. Oh and wine, can’t wait for wine.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Day 1 of blogging
My manager has gone on holiday for the next two weeks which means I have to deal with some of her work which I’m not used to. And I’ve lost my work bestie!
Part of me is in full on panic mode as there are somethings I’m worried about having to do but then another part of me is saying ‘guuuuurl you got this!’
I may quote rupaul a lot as I am completely obsessed with the Rupaul’s Dragrace show and I am not ashamed about it either, hunny!
So after the first day without my manager which had a couple of ups and down, I had a quick gym sesh and then home to chill..
Nothing exciting to report, just that my lovely new kitties are getting more and more confident as days go by which I love. Apart from the fact we let them outside and it worries me they’ll leg it when they have the chance ha!
Now to chill and watch homeland which my manager recently completely ruined for me as she didn’t realise that I was only on the second series.
Friday tomorrow and I’m already excited for the 5pm finish! My lovely boyfriend is taking me out for dinner. Can’t. Wait.
As the pic below I’m gonna find me a kittle to cuddle 😊
P.s - as I was about to post this we had to get the kitty in as he jumped out the window! They do wanna leg it!!
This is the beginning of the record you like
So! Here goes nothing..
I decided to start a blog, I thought it would be cool to note down some of the stuff going on in my life. I wanted to be able to look back at it in a few years time and take a trip down memory lane!
I recently found my mum's old blog and it really made me happy reading about old times.
I'm 24, I live in Surrey with my other half and our two lovely little cats and I'm an office manager.
I love keeping fit, being healthy(ish)... and cooking :)
I just read that back and it already sounds pretty dull ha!
I'll come back when I'm up to something more exciting.
I had a baby!
So I have finally had my little baby girl and I could not be happier. She is absolutely perfect and I am totally totally in love. So I tho...

Thursdays work social went well! I have to say I was so anxious about it most of the day, sweating but not hot and just worrying about wha...
So Saturday morning, we got up nice and early and headed to the park. I felt a little rough but not massively and so was quite excited abou...
My day started off by ignoring my alarm which was for me to go off to the gym.. but I thought naaa. I am aching almost everywhere after bod...