I honestly love having these scans so fricking much, I wish I could have one once a week to be honest. It's so nice having the reassurance and getting to see how much the baby has grown in the few weeks since we last saw!
It's just incredible that we're able to do these kinds of things. Anyway, the morning was lovey, got up and did half an hour on the exercise bike which I'm trying to do every day. Some days are easier than others..
I then woke Antman up and we both got ready, Ginette (Ant's mum) came over and we set off!
I'd had my usual 3 breakfasts but bloody hell, the whole journey there all I could think was I'm excited but MAN I'm hungry!
We arrived, checked in and mooched about the baby shops whilst we waited for our appointment. I spent a lot of time walking around and drinking cold water which they advice you to do before, which I really hate because I need a wee so quickly after a drink, pregnant or not.. obviously it much worse these days. And I'm really rubbish and dealing with really needing a wee.... wow my life is so hard.
Anyway, we went in and they double checked with us that we did not want the gender out loud and we'd like it written down in an envelope. Which was really reassuring as I was nervous they'd accidentally tell us, but they're clearly used to it.
Me and Ant are having a gender reveal party and I think that they're so common these days that the private scan places and very much accustom to people wanting it written down.
They put the scanner thing on my belly and baby was there straight away! I know I probably shouldn't be shocked as of course the baby is right there... in my tummy.. but at the other scans we've had they've sort of had to find it because it's been so small (9 week and 12 weeks scans). So I found it mad that it was just right there and a totally different place to last time.
Again, I know to a lot of people I sound stupid but this is all so new and bizarre to me!
Words really cant describe how amazing these scans are to me. I've wanted a baby since I was a little girl, I've always wanted to be a mum and I've always said I want to experience the whole thing. I've always wanted the whole experience of being pregnant and I'm actually there! I still cant believe it.
So they scanner man told me everything looked as it should, we saw the spine, brain, heart and a hand! The hand was insane because you could actually see all the fingers and bones. So cool! But also wow.. I'm actually growing bones in me right now?!
Then the best bit for me - listening to the heart beat. This made me cry, it was just so wonderful hearing it for the first time. My little baby's heart beating inside me. But I quickly stopped myself crying because I thought nooo, I dont want blurry eyes! I need to see the scan as best as I can!
They then told us to look away whilst they checked what gender the baby was, omg I could have got up and put my hands over Ant's eyes. I could see he wanted to look so badly! I had to reach and cover as much as I could. I really thought he was going to look!
Now, I'm not sure if Ginette looked away.. I'm like 90% sure she kept watching and therefore knows the gender of the baby but at the end she said - oh I'm going to wait before knowing, I'll wait until the reveal as well with everyone else. So I think she knows but is pretending she doesnt so that if people question her she can say she doesnt know. So I'm glad either way! I dont mind if she knows and pretends she doesnt or if she really doesnt know. Just as long as me and Ant dont find out until the reveal which is SO bloody far away.
Okay, so then we had a 4D scan, just a quick one that comes with the scan package.
This was so cool! To see this actual little human moving around. So mad to see properly formed arms and legs and nose etc.. At first the baby had its arms crossed in front of its face, which was kinda cool to be honest. Looked gangsta.
This whole experience was awesome and I'm sure I'll remember it forever and ever.
Once we left I, of course bombarded my mum with all the photos and to be honest even though I've stressed and worried so much about her and Ginette knowing the gender early, just because I dont want to accidentally find out.. I wanted my mum to know straight away!!
So I messaged her to say that all the photos were on this link they gave me but I couldnt look because the scan pics of the sex was on there too.. and offered her the link if she wanted to go on and have a guess... I wasnt sure if she'd say yes and within seconds she was like GIVE ME THE LINK NOW!
I sent it to her and straight away she messaged to say she knew because it was written on there as well. So she knows! Argh! So at least one person (other than the scanner people) in this world know's whether me and Ant are having a son or a daughter!!
I don't know why really but I really think I'm having a boy. I've just thought from the beginning it's a boy. I have no evidence... but mark my words.
We headed back to the home area and got some muuuuch needed lunch from a really nice pub near us. I had a massive pie with creamy mash and veg and I cant even describe how daaaaamn good it was! Man I love food so much.
We then headed home all absolutely stuffed. Ginette and her husband Albert stayed for a cuppa and then Ant looked at me and said, Lissssssss can we do absolutely nothing for the rest of the day. (he was hungover from the work do he'd had the night before) I honestly have never been so happy in my life, hahaha.
We literally spent the rest of the day snuggled up on the sofa watching TV and then ordered thai food.
Best. Day. Ever!!!

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