So last Friday evening me and Ant set off to Taunton to visit my Mum and Andy. Adam, Connor and Emily were also going which is awesome. Just a shame Erika couldn’t make it as she was working.
So we arrived Friday and did the usual hellos and got ourselves a drink! Mine being a coke for the first time ever. Mum showed us the newly decorated room in the mansion darling. Which I loved as the feature wall is my fave colour. So obviously me and Ant bagged it! (Even if I didn’t really sleep there as he snores like a trooper!) I then got straight into my jammies and headed downstairs to join the crew.
We caught up, played pool and had such a laugh.. as usual! Me, Connor and Emily exchanged birthday gifts (let’s be honest she bought mine). They got me such lovely gifts such as baby stuff, a lovely new handbag and earrings.. and I got Connor beers, ball bags socks and willy eye mask! We were supposed to be doing a tenner limit so I thought this was fine haha! I absolutely lost it laughing at Connor putting it on. It looked hilarious.

Connor and Emily also told us they’re moving to Wales, Emily’s family lives there and it’s much more affordable for them. I got a bit upset as I just hate the fact all my family as so far away! But then mum showed me them on the map and we were saying how it’s only this far away (uses finger to show the small amount of space on the picture) and at the same time we said yeah and it you zoomed it’s even closer! Which again we found hilarious and fell about laughing. Oh I love my family so much.
We stayed up.. well I class this as staying up these days as I’m tired really early! I went to bed about midnight after a much needed social with everyone.
On Saturday I got up and went downstairs, played with the kitties and help mum in the kitchen tidying up. We chatted and got a brew going. Man, I wish I could do this all the time, really really wish they were just around the corner..
Everyone sort of got up one by one and got some breakfast. Adam typically got up last even though he went to bed first. And then he was trying to get mum to make his breakfast even though she was just going out the door! And she does as well, she says I’m gonna be a soft mum... she’s soft as anything. Especially with the boys! She’s gonna be reading this and laughing..
Mum and Andy then set off and went for a shop around Taunton. Adam went out to curry’s to get some mouse for his game. Antony and Adam were bonding a lot this weekend over geeky stuff which was really nice actually.
Then the rest of us set up camp on the sofa is in the living room and watching David Attenborough. It was so lush just to chill with the fam. I had a little snooze on Antony and thought.. life is good.
After a while, me and Em went into the gym and did a little workout and chatted about life. I get on really well with Emily which is really beaut to have a lil mate as well as my twins other half.
We then all got ready and headed out for dinner and drinks. Ant had already said to me before we even left.. oh you’ll be putting me to bed later.. I thought uh oh!
All was good, we went and got mock/cocktails in a bar. Emily wasn’t drinking either so it was kinda nice to not be the only one. Not that it makes too much of a difference as I’m fine until around 10:30haha, party animal! Oh how I’ve changed..
There’s were really drunk people in the bar and unfortunately they came and sat right next to us which was also next to a piano and they were ‘playing’ and ‘singing’ I don’t even know the song but mum does cos later on she thought they were different people and loudly said ‘oh at least they’re not singing doe, a dear.. a female dear!!’ And it was them and they started singing it again 2 seconds later hahaha! I totally get this from her cos I say things really loudly about people all the time. Oops!
After a few drinks and good laughs, we walked over to the restaurant we’d booked. It was nice and cosy and we sat right under the heaters which was great! We ordered our drinks and starters and me and mum managed to try a bit of the curry to see how spicy we’d like it. The food was bloody amazing!! Me and Ant were well up for spicy food, I got hot and he asked for extra hot! Which really worried me.. he was pretty drunk and I just thought he’s gonna regret this.
To be honest, it was fine! My hot spice was perfect and he said his wasn’t hot enough.. I reckon his was just hot too. But anyway, it was delicious and there was so so much food. Mum convinced me to get some taken away in a doggy bag as I’d left quite a bit and I wasn’t keen as I felt a bit embarrassed. Oh my gaaaawd, I’m so grateful! The curry the next day was everything I needed and more.
We headed back after stuffing our faces, not to Connor and Andys delight as they wanted to go for more drinks but me and Emily were a bit like... but.. comfy home and pjs! So we headed back. Of course, the girls always win.
We got back and I got super cosy and settled on a chair I don’t think I moved out of till bedtime. And chatted with everyone and watched them play pool. We talked loads about when mum was pregnant and birth etc (as I’m pregnant).
We absolutely fell about laughing so much, even the next day I woke up laughing at what Connor said..
We were talking about having to birth the placenta and he was like ‘what if you go in there and you have no idea about the placenta (my mum didn’t know!) and you’re pushing and pushing and you’re like omg my liver!!!’
Oh my god, it was so funny. It’s probably one of those.. you have to have been there moments but it’s even making me laugh now.
As expected Antony was really bloody drunk, he’d said he was going to slow down earlier in the night and then proceeded to get a beer at every opportunity and the biggest one available too, haha. We’re both very like this.. when we’re drunk, we’ll just carry on and on drinking even though you could definitely stop as you’re already smashed. But we’ve not mastered this yet. I’m thinking that after having a baby I will and hopefully he will...
Anyway I asked him to take me up to bed at about 10:30, the shame. I was so tired though and could feel my eyes losing the will. He faffed about for ages and eventually took me up and got a bit soppy about how he’s enjoying my family time and how it’s nice he’s bonded with Adam a lot this time. (God, he’d kill me if he knew this was on here but he’s never gonna read this!)
He went back down and got even drunker and then came crashing up later on. I worry when he’s think drunk cos he gets really paranoid the next day about what he’s said or done, which again I always did too. It’s not nice.
But all was fine, after lots of sleep and painkillers he just about recovered the next day. We didn’t do a great deal on Sunday, chilled and watched friends until heading off home.
Another amazing weekend with the fam!!
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