Me and Ant got home from work and straight into our comfies! How amazing does that sound. We had loads of vouchers for burger king as well so we popped out and bought loads of unhealthy food for cheap cheap.
We got back, got a beer and a glass of wine and bosh. On the sofa to chill for the night.
The new episode of Rupaul was sickening!! I frigging LOVE this show so bloody much. Me and the girls are going to a drag event next week in London and I am gagging hunny.
Living. For. It,
Okay I'll stop, I'll stop...
I woke up on Saturday, went off to the gym and did a circuits class. My butt and legs were killlling from my leg session on Friday!
Luckily it was actually lots of cardio and upper body in this circuits class, I was so relieved!
After the class,I struggled round Staines getting even more stuff for the garden, Ann Summers had a massive sale on as well so I got myself some sexy bras and underwear. Yaaas hunny.
It was so hot and Antony kept calling me to pick up more and more stuff so by the time I got in my car to go I had to have a break, I was knackered! So I sat in my car and ate some prawns I'd bought in M&S, sorry it's weird but I don't care. They literally taste amazing.
I got home and mentally prepared myself for this gardening.
I really didn't want to start.. I wanted to sit in a bikini in the garden and get drunk, to be honest!
But we set up the tools and got cracking.. after a sausage sandwich, mm.
We power washed the patio bit, mowed, strimmed, pulled out weeds, you know the usual gardeny stuff. It was so sunny the whole time so it was quite hard!
I am stupidly sunburnt across my back and I was wearing a strappy bikini top...
Looks good right?
So we finally called it a day, which I was super happy about! Cleared up and came in for a shower as we were both a mess!
We got into our comfies and I made us a red thai curry. It was so yummy and so nice to sit at the table and relax. All ready for it again tomorrow..
We finished dinner and watched a film.. it was alright.. I fell asleep as per usual!
I've just woken up, about 8am on Sunday. I could have slept more but I could hear hungry kitties. So I've got up and bloody hell! Not only does my butt still hurt but my back and shoulders also ache now.
Plus I'm sunburnt! I think last night the red wine was making it feel fine, kept saying it didn't even hurt. Well I think I need more wine because it's definitely a bit sore.
I am going to write a shopping list and go to Aldi when it opens as Ant is asleep. He woke up yesterday in the worst mood ever as his arms hurt so much.
Ant and Matty (our bestie) went to the gym on Thurs and did arms.. Ant has been in agony ever since! So I'm gonna let him sleep as much as possible and hope he wakes up happy/less sore.
The plan today is garden, gym, nandos and then cinema. Can't wait!
For the nandos and cinema that is..
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